Study in Australia

Study in Australia

Australia is the third most popular study destination for international students, behind The United States of America and the United Kingdom while the number one study destination for the Nepalese students. While studying in Australia, international students can enjoy cultural diversity, friendly natives, high quality of education. The climate is quite similar to that of Nepal and it is very suitable for the Nepalese students in comparison to the UK and USA which is also a plus point for Nepalese students. Australia is the home of seven top 100 universities offering courses over 22,000 across 11,000 institutions. In the ranking of the National Higher Education System, Australia stands above likes of Germany, Netherlands and Japan ranking eight in the universities 2012 1-J21. The government of Australia invests more than two hundred million Australian dollars per year to provide the scholarship to international students.

Growing destination

In recent years, Australia has become the number one choice for students wanting to study abroad. After the UK and USA, Australia has become the third most preferred study destination by international students.

Australia has become the popular destination among the international students because of the varieties including cultural diversity, quality of education, friendliness of its inhabitants and of course a favourable climate.

Scholarships and job opportunities

In compared to the UK and USA, Australia is able to offer scholarship opportunities to the international students. Like mentioned above, the Australian government spends 2 million dollars per annum to offers scholarships for international students.  Australia is a large country but because of the less population, the employment opportunities can be easily found than in comparison with any other countries. International students are permitted to work part-time up to 20 per week, as well as full-time job permit during holidays. Being involved in job while working in Australia adds huge benefits for the international students. Gaining work experience while graduating allows students to covers the actual job market and gain experience in their chosen field.

Renowned Education System

The Australian education system has a well-known reputation for its innovative policy development, effective structured and high-quality research in teaching, in fact, many countries seek upon Australia when it comes to improving their education system. Australian education system teaches students to think creatively and independently. And also are taught different skills that can be applied to various fields.

Cultural Diversity

Many international students are drawn to Australia because it is a young, vibrant, and most of all, friendly country. Australia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world; people from about 200 countries have migrated to Australia. This is reflected in the country’s food, lifestyle, and cultural practices and experience. The diversity of cultural influences in Australia creates a lively and innovative environment. Australians appreciate the value of cultural diversity that international students bring to their country, and take great care in looking after international students and in helping them adjust to their new homes.


Because of this multicultural nature, international students are readily accepted by their peers, and Australian teachers are accustomed to teaching students from around the world. International students who study in Australia will feel more at home, as they will be surrounded by people who are accustomed to interacting with people from all over the world. Australians are known for being open, friendly people. International students who study in Australia receive a warm welcome, and students living in homestay situations are able to experience Australian family life in a natural, friendly way. These students often report being treated like a family member.


Australia is an extremely safe country compared to almost anywhere else in the world. Because of its cultural diversity, political unrest is rare. Crime rates are low, and strict gun control laws provide a safe environment for people living in Australia.